실시간 뉴스
  • Paris Hilton’s new puppy costs more than $13,000

Instagram/Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton recently purchased a tiny, white Pomeranian puppy and her new pet is one of the “cutest, tiniest” and is one of the most expensive puppies ever. It was said that the puppy was worth $13,000.

She ordered the little doggy from a Canada-based business that arranges for puppies in South Korea to be shipped to buyers overseas.

This world famous socialite is known for her love for pets. While shooting her reality show “The Simple Life,” she made frequent appearances with her pet Chihuahua Tinkerbell.

Today, she shared photos of her 4-and-a-half-month-old puppy on her Instagram.

Check out her cute puppy on her SNS page at http://instagram.com/p/s9DTXnqgOF.

By Um Yoon-sun (uys@heraldcorp.com)

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