실시간 뉴스
  • Yoon Kye-sang poses with his dog on Vogue


Fashion magazine Vogue released photos of actor Yoon Kye-sang for its special supplement “Vogue Dog & Cat.”

Casting off his charismatic image in the JTBC drama “Last,“ the 36-year-old actor looks natural and happy, playing with his puppy Gamsa.

In an interview with the magazine after the photo shoots, he said, “It is fate that he came to me. I want him to live happily with me.”

He is currently starring in “Last,” a television series based on the web-based cartoon series of the same name, which airs every Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m.

The fashion spreads, including more of his photos and interview, are available in the magazine‘s August issue.

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