실시간 뉴스
  • Should we ban school uniforms?

- I do not think we should ban school uniforms. Some people say wearing uniforms *disturbs students’ human *rights, but I don’t think so.

First, uniforms remind students of their *duties. Students have to study at school. If they don’t wear uniforms, they will be more interested in clothes than classes. Naturally, they study less. As for fancy clothes, it will be enough to wear them on the weekends. On weekdays, neat uniforms are better for students.

Second, uniforms can *narrow the *gap between the rich and the poor. If we wear uniforms, everyone looks *equal.

Third, we can save time. Some students are sensitive to style. They can waste time choosing which outfit to wear. But uniforms prevent this problem because they look all the same.

Park Chae-gyeong
5th grade, Dangdong Elementary School

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